
Adaptive Fitness

Inspire offers a premier Adaptive Fitness program for the neurodiverse community specifically to help those with Autism, Down Syndrome, and other developmental or acquired disabilities. Designed to improve strength, optimize functional capabilities, support cognitive function, and improve overall health and wellness for all ages and abilities.

Individual Fitness

Inspire provides an individualized exercise program targeting our 5 Core Competencies. To help all ages and abilities obtain the physical, emotional, and cognitive benefits of exercise. For the convenience of our clients we offer highly qualified 1-on-1 training sessions in our Scottsdale gym and in-home.

Inspire's 5 Core Fitness Competences

Gross Motor Development


Functional Fitness

Stability, Mobility, and Balance Coordination

Cognitive Function

Benefits of Our Fitness Program

  • agsdix-sout-run

    Strength and Endurance

  • agsdix-sout-weights

    Muscle Development

  • agsdix-fa6s fa-scale-balanced

    Balance, Stability, and Mobility

  • agsdix-fas fa-brain

    Cognitive function

  • agsdi-face-happy

    Decreased Anxiety

  • Improved ADHD Symptoms

  • agsdix-fa6s fa-person-rays

    Weight Loss

  • agsdix-fa6s fa-child-reaching

    Self Regulation

  • agsdix-fa6r fa-face-smile

    Better Mood

  • agsdix-smt2-healing

    Overall improvement in health and wellness